Life is about knowing God.

Welcome to an uncomplicated worship experience where, together as one family, we grow in knowledge of the truth which leads to lasting love, joy & peace.

A return to simplicity.

  • Uncomplicated Worship

    True worship is done in spirit and truth. It isn’t a performance or show. It is an outpouring of praise and adoration to God which builds up each one of us and knits us together as one through teaching, singing, prayer and encouragement.

  • Keeping Families Together

    Unity means coming together and staying together. Our worship service is intended to be a whole family experience that carries into the week. This means we keep kids in the worship service and believe in supporting families through discipleship training.

  • Growing in Truth

    A tree is identified by its fruit and so is a church. We lovingly teach, encourage and mentor every person we have the blessing to serve so that they might experience enduring love, joy and peace in Christ while living lives that exemplify love.

Sinners and seekers are invited.

Questions and Answers

  • Depending on an individual’s past experience many things may appear different. Worship in every church, like traditions within families, takes on its own unique flavor.

    What may be most uncommon about our worship experience is that we don’t have a concert setting. Our worship is more like a campfire sing-along than a stage performance. We also begin each service in quiet stillness to allow opportunity for us to settle in and prepare our minds for worship.

    Our worship service is interactive, meaning there is opportunity for questions and answers, prayer requests, testimony of God’s grace, etc.

    Our Pastor willingly meets individually with any who regularly attend and are eager to grow spiritually. He is an experienced executive coach and uses these skills to help disciple, teach and encourage any who desire to grow.

    We are a small gathering as we have just recently planted and find the smaller group setting to be beneficial.

    Finally, while our teaching is Christ-centered and rooted in Scripture, it is also practical and experiential. This means we focus heavily on both understanding what Jesus taught as well as how to actually follow him. This is what Jesus meant by “making disciples.” It isn’t about learning a set of rules but instead we focus on how to love biblically, how to experience peace according to Christ and so on.

  • Our service includes elements of prayer, singing, teaching and encouragement in a small, friendly and relaxed setting.

  • Yes, all are encouraged to come and check us out. Of course it is not expected that non-Christians will participate in all elements of the worship experience, but should only join in what is comfortable and aligns with their beliefs.

  • No, we are not affiliated with any specific division or sect of Christianity but as much as is possible we seek to have peace and unity with all.

  • This church is not in competition with anyone.

    We are not interested in becoming a legacy church.

    We have no desire to own a building one day.

    We are not hoping to have children's programs, camps or clubs.

    We are also not against any of that.

    We have one aim - to make disciples of Jesus and to teach them to do the same.

    Multiplication. Bearing fruit.

    By multiplicatiion we do not mean evangelism alone. We actually mean multiplying fruit.

    We want to see people sincerely following Jesus and experiencing love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

    This does not happen by giving more laws, rules or "Christian culture." It isn't just about creating community.

    Discipleship means actually following Jesus as he is calling you to.

    It means not trying to find your best life in the world but selling out and following Jesus.

    It means caring more about life in Christ than anything the world could tempt you with.

    This means we have to know what that life is like.

    It is a life of faith.

    It is a life of self-denial and suffering, and yet you inherit every blessing in heaven.

    This does not mean it is a miserable, worthless existence whatsoever.

    It is actually the most abundant life possible. It is true life. It is eternal.

    It is best described as joy unspeakable and full of glory.

    It consists of love, joy and peace.

    It is in Christ, through Christ and for Christ.

    We abide, he works.

    We bear fruit, he gets the glory.

    Come and see.

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